9:15 Forum: The Ethics of CRISPR
Judy Barisonzi will lead a discussion that encourages everyone to talk about their views of the biotechnology, CRISPR, that makes it possible to edit entire genomes. All are invited to this important conversation involving personal values, potential issues, and what we can do to prepare for the future.
10:30 Service: Music & Poetry Sunday
It’s that time of year when the music and poetry that has had meaning in our lives can be shared with our fellowship and friends. Whether it is a song or a poem, original or from another artist, we welcome all expressions.
10:30 (Religious Education) The New Year of the Trees
Irene Asp will offer songs, stories, and discussion for children with a focus on the Jewish holiday, Tu B’shvat. This holiday celebrates something we can all appreciate, trees and what they have offer. Children (and adults) of all ages are welcome to join.