This Sunday we bid goodbye not only to October, but sadly to some of our snowbirds–bid them well and come back soon. We’ll begin the morning at Blue Hills UU with a TED TALK as our Forum…come and be surprised by the topic, much as this writer will be. We trust Ted to always be informative and worth hearing.
Our Service hour beginning at 10:30 will be led by Kent Shifferd, centering on the topic “Global Governance – Who and By Whom?”. As our resident expert in this arena, Kent always pokes holes in our assumptions and brings us elements of these topics we need to know, painful as it often is.

A REMINDER that our November 4th gathering will also be our “Souper Fund Raiser”, with a goal to early mortgage pay-off. $5 bucks gets you all you can eat – another $5 will net “take-out” privileges to stock the ‘frig. Beer or wine? $2 bucks. If you haven’t signed up to bring soup, bread or dessert: call Sheila Manor asap to do so.