Forum on Sunday April 28th at the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist
Fellowship in Rice Lake springs from a TED talk video entitled “How
Poachers Became Caretakers”, in honor of Earth Week.
In his home of Namibia, John Kasaona shares with us innovative ways he’s
found to
protect endangered animal species by giving nearby villagers (including
former poachers) responsibility for caring for the animals. And it’s
A discussion of the presentation will follow the video.

Guest speaker Andrew Frantz, a student of Meadville-Lombard Seminary conducts the Service at 10:30. His message will address the men’s movement in UU and ways this may have changed and enhanced the lives of both the individual and the congregation. Frantz has been a member of Oberlin UUF since 2002, and is a full-time graduate student with the goal of being ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister.
Nourishment for body and soul always follows the service with fellowship and light refreshments; all are invited.