Planned to be held earlier this month, the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship will hold a Forum on “Climate Change & the Right to be Rescued” at 9:15, Sunday March 31st. The topic will be addressed by Valerie Rude, whose experience working with persons with disabilities has made her aware that this issue is sometimes overlooked in planning for natural disaster rescues. Time for discussion will be part of the Forum.

A “Work Day!” experience will take the place of formal service this same Sunday, as UU’s gather at 10:30 a.m. to build a “Little Free Library” which will be located on the premises as soon as the ground thaws. Member Dave Hart will supervise the construction with plans and materials. Bring your hammers, screwdrivers & saws. Those less comfortable with construction will sort through the BHUU library to select books to be offered.
Nourishment for body and soul always follows the service with fellowship and light refreshments; all are invited to participate.