Our Blue Hills U-U fellowship enthusiastically welcomes once again Rev Phil Lund of St Paul, MN to conduct the service on September 22nd. A member of the MidAmerica Region of the UUA, pastor Lund holds a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, a certificate in InterSpiritual Counseling from One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York, and has completed a wealth of additional training in counseling and meditation arts.

Lund’s sermon will address the topic of “(W)hol(e)iness”. In
explanation, Lund points out that both wholeness and holiness are about
living relationship to all things. “When we find what is holy in
ourselves, in others, and in creation, we find ourselves in relationship
with the whole.” His service will explore how nurturing
that relationship can be a path toward wholeness and holiness. A
short talk-back session after the service will enable the congregation
to ask questions and share observations.
Please remember that Service now begins at 10 a.m. on Sundays; we welcome everyone to Blue Hills UU, and to stay for fellowship and light nourishment after the service.