Your Blue Hills UU Board members began their new term by meeting together (in person!) July 18th at our newly elected Chairman, Dr. Mark Van Etten’s home. First order of business for Mark, was to launch a discussion on a rethinking of our “Missions and Goals.” Earlier this year, some of our members participated in a series of webinars given by the UUA to help small congregations like ours build on their unique strengths. Now it’s time for us to discuss these ideas among ourselves and set priorities for our fellowship.

This approaching Sunday, August 30, after we light the chalice, we’ll divide into small groups (yes, we can do this on Zoom!) and seek your input to these questions:
- What three or four basic values should be reflected in all our activities?
- What difference do we want to make in the world?
- What specific ends do we want to reach?
- What projects would move us toward these ends?
We’ll reassemble in our larger group to conclude the service. On September 6th we’ll hear the conclusions of each of the smaller group, and plan to continue working together toward establishing the direction and activities for BHUU for the coming year. This effort will provide the basis for what committees/action groups we need.
Remember,every voice is important!