Order of Service (PDF)
“Baby, We Need a Barn-Raising!” Rev. Erin J. Walter declares as we seek to protect our physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing “social isolation can take a dangerous toll on our spirits and our mental health” UU Rev. Walter seeks to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness by drawing on the historic practice of barn raising. The Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists welcome her on Zoom from Austin, Texas this Sunday December 13th to share spiritual resources for mental health through original song and the innate wisdom of Mr. Rogers.
UU minister and musician, Rev Walter is the winner of the UU Women’s Federation Sermon Award and leads the indie group Parker Woodland, whose music will be included in the service. A former YMCA director, she serves as a board member for the Texas UU Justice Ministry and as the Affiliated Community Minister of Wildflower (Unitarian Universalist) Church in Austin. More can be found about Rev. Erin’s music and ministry at ErinWalter.com.

The Blue Hills UU fellowship continues to meet at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays via Zoom – the link will be sent to members on Saturday, although all interested are invited to sign in. Visitors may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org for the link needed to join the service. Those lacking cyberlink connection or equipment to enable participation and want to attend service are invited to meet IN the fellowship building located at 230 W Messenger, masked and distanced, to watch the presentation on large screen ZOOM.