This coming Sunday, May 31st will mark a new beginning for Blue Hills UU’s – and an ending of sorts as we conclude the 2019-2020 year of activity. A first will be holding this, our ANNUAL MEETING on Zoom. While we hope this won’t continue much longer (Zoom) it has at least brought us opportunity to hang together through the mutual strain and anxiety of living through a pandemic, learning how to cope with it on many levels.
We will have a shortened Service, then enter into the Annual Meeting to bring members information on the activities BHUU has been involved in (which are pretty darn notable considering our size!) by way of reporting from our officers and committees. And perhaps most important, we elect new officers and adopt a Budget for the coming year.
All current members received snail mail correspondence from Treasurer, Pat Shifferd in the last few weeks addressing these matters. As not everyone is able to participate via Zoom, the mailing gives all an opportunity to review both the proposed budget and the slate of new officers suggested by the Nominations Committee. Voting on these matters will take place during the Zoom meeting on Sunday, or your ballot sent via snail mail.
We will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be sent to members later this week. “See you” then!