Sunday, October 11th brings WOJB community radio host Eric Schubring to the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship, along with guest authors Phil and Kathy Dahl-Bredine of Oaxaca, Mexico. Schubring’s recent review of their text, “The Insurrection of the Common Good”, inspired him to share with listeners the qualities of life indigenous cultures celebrate, and the ways in which they are changed by capitalism, bringing insight and awareness to these pressures.
Through real life experience, and as residents of the area, the Dahl-Bredines writing focuses on the impact 21st century practices, especially those of our nation, have on neighboring countries. They share their experience and concerns in a call for better understanding, through the writing of this book. The book may be found at Northwind Books in Spooner, or on Amazon; there will be time for Q&A and a short discussion period during Eric’s Service.

Our service begins at 10 a.m. each Sunday as we continue to meet through ZOOM technology; the Zoom link will be sent to members by Saturday, although all interested are invited to sign in – visitors may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.
Those lacking cyberlink connection or equipment to enable participation and want to attend service are invited to meet IN the church, masked and distanced ~!~ to watch the presentation on large screen ZOOM.