The Blue Hills UU Fellowship will end the budding Spring of 2021 on a positive uptake, by meeting all together, outdoors and face to face, for the first time in over a year with a potluck picnic on May 30th.
We’ll gather from 11:00-2:00 at “Veterans Park” in Rice Lake, which is a few blocks north of the Post Office, by the lake; we’ll meet near the large music stage. Bring a dish to share, your utensils and a beverage; no program is planned for the morning, but to mark a “return” to fellowship, for in June we will also begin a return to use of our building as well.

The decision is to alternate services for a three month period: each month will offer at least two BHUU services in our fellowship hall, but retain the two other Sundays via Zoom for the benefits we’ve found they offer. Details will be posted each week on both our website and Facebook.
The caveat to returning to in-person gatherings in the building is that all those attending be vaccinated. If there are those that choose not to, or cannot, we ask they wear a mask. Should there be singing during the service, all will be asked to wear their masks for that.
Let’s celebrate on Sunday!