Rev Erin Walter comes to us from Austin, TX to present the Sunday, October 17th Service at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Rice Lake, “People-They Are A’Changing”. Based on our UU third principle: “Acceptance of one another and the encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations”, Rev Walter notes that “We are not the same as we were before the pandemic, for even in seemingly uneventful times, people grow and change; as we have grappled with the challenges of the past eighteen months, we have acted through our faith.”

We will meet via Zoom at 10 a.m. for this service; although Blue Hills UU’s have resumed gathering “in-person” at the fellowship hall, we continue to hold some services on Zoom, as well as transmitting all for the benefit of the whole fellowship. The internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part; visitors may contact for the link needed.