Our visiting Chaplain Dennis Peters ask the Blue Hills UU’s “What kind of traveler are you?” Do you have visions of mountains, oceans, faraway cities that your heart burns to see and experience? Do you explore within, dreaming in your imagination rather than physically there? Do you read of strange new worlds, new civilizations, or going where no one has gone before?
And how do you get there – in books, movies, your imagination? Dennis invites our fellowship to “travel together!” during our next service, Sunday January 7th.

Services begin at 10 a.m. via Zoom, although those wishing to attend in person are encouraged to join us in the fellowship hall to enjoy together. Those attending in person are expected to be vaccinated, and it is strongly suggested that wearing a mask and proper distancing be observed. The Zoom link will be sent to members, but all interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed. See bluehillsuu.org for more information.