Be sure to be with us next Sunday, June 26, as fellow member Pat Barry leads the fellowship on a quest in “Telling Our Stories”. As part of the Service, Pat will present her theory as to how each of us creates our life story, positing that they may not be the same as how others in our various relationships might see them.
The fellowship will be prompted to share (short) episodes of their lives during the discussion period, inspired by a number of probing questions Ms. Barry will share with the congregation.

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings; those fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU. In accordance with CDC recommendations, use of masks is optional. Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact for the link. There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church.