There’s been a slight change in our Calendar this month, as we’re shifting services abit: our service planned for the 9th with Dennis Peters has been moved to October 16th and the formerly planned visit from Arthur Thexton that day, to sometime in November.

Sunday October 9th will feature a video on UU History, “Heritage of Heresy: Bisbee and Tuttle on the Universalist Frontier.” This will be shown at the church and of course on Zoom, with a focused discussion to follow led by member Judith Barisonzi; as always, our service begins at 10 a.m.
Those who seek insight are always welcome at BHUU. A free-range discussion period takes place before the service at 9 a.m., and as with the Service, may be accessed via Zoom. The link is sent to members, but all who are interested may contact for the link. Wearing masks is optional for those attending in person, although recommendations of the CDC are followed; all are expected to be fully vaccinated. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged.