What might one expect to find when reading the poetry of Dante? Member David Gold will share his discovery of how Dante planned to build a better earth, and other impressions with Blue Hills UU’s during the Sunday, March 26th service, “Lessons Learned from Reading Dante.”
Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri, circa 1265-Sept 1301, most often referred to as Dante, was instrumental in establishing the literature of Italy. Creator of Italy’s “Divine Comedy”, Dante helped establish the modern-day standardized Italian language; his passion for the politics of the church and poetry resulted in his exile from Florence, Italy in 1301.

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m. -and may we remind everyone that Daylight Savings Time begins this day! Come be with us in our sanctuary, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members; all others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org