Tradition! Ritual, heritage, folklore … from the sacred to the conventional, we all maintain habits of every day life. What traditions and rituals have we, as Blue Hills UU’s, incorporated into our fellowship? How do we honor certain days and times of the year? We light candles at specific interludes during Sunday service, chant certain lines and have our favorite hymns – are there others? Are there some that have been forgotten along the way, or additional practices we might like to adopt?
This Sunday, May 28th our fellowship will explore the ways we choose to acknowledge the sacred and the holy times in our lives, and also consider ways we might expand ways to acknowledge important events and the universal truths we honor.

After the service, we will share in the vernal ceremony known as “Spring Cleaning”, as together we will spruce up the interior and grounds at our fellowship. All are invited to attend at the sanctuary, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting