Chaplain Dennis Peters examines the mandate of the Golden Rule with Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists at Sunday’s Service, November 19th. Noting many of us “do good” when it makes the most sense, or “When it feels good, when we’re in a position of safety, in the company of a large segment of society or don’t fear receiving the anger of our family and friends.” And yet, it is precisely when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable –or even dangerous, that the strongest need is there.
People with no previous involvement came to the aid of Jews, hiding them from the Nazis in World War II and the decade before. Muslims in Morocco saved Jewish temples, and maintained them, when the Jewish population was no longer large enough to have the means to do so. Indigenous populations in the United States? Ch Peters challenges us to continue the train of thought and consider how we might effectively put this to practice in today’s world as we “Celebrate the Other.”

Ch Dennis Peters at BHUU
“Third Sunday’s Pot Luck” will convene downstairs after the service; bring a dish to share and enjoy with the fellowship. All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting