What do we know about “Gifted” people? Could you be one? Our traveling chaplain, Dennis Peters, will journey to Blue Hills UU this Sunday, October 15th to consider with us the many times we hear of people with special abilities: amazing memories, perfect pitch, lightning calculation, HSAM (or Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory), and many others.
What might be the trade-off for having these gifts? Or one might wonder “Why don’t I have any of those things?” Ch Peters will explore these gift and share some examples – and maybe take a look at what some think might be avenues of growth for us all. After the service, we will gather downstairs for our THIRD SUNDAY POT LUCK – bring a dish to share and time to enjoy your fellowship.

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting patriciashifferd@gmail.com. https://bluehillsuu.org