Long time friend and Unitarian, Arthur Thexton returns to Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist fellowship Sunday, October 22nd to share in the study of the history our faith. Classically, the “Unitarian controversy” developed around the Trinity, the doctrine that there is one deity with three presentations: Father, Son, and Spirit. This doctrine was actually part of a larger discussion which occurs within all religious traditions and becomes a study of human nature itself: a struggle that has never been resolved with unanimity.

A one time resident of Rice Lake, Mr Thexton speaks regularly at UU congregations, referring to himself as “a part-time, itinerant, circuit-riding lay preacher in the UU tradition.” After completing studies at the Meadville Lombard Theological School, Thexton attended the University of Chicago before obtaining his law degree from UW Madison. He served as Assistant District Attorney in Barron County during the mid-1980’s, and now resides in Wauwatosa, WI with his family.
All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting patriciashifferd@gmail.com. https://bluehillsuu.org