Minister Dennis Peters will conduct the service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist fellowship on Sunday, April 21st. Noting that many feel “politics” seems to have gone off the rails in this current time zone, perhaps more than in the past, Peters will address the current distress being felt. Is this a result of personality traits of the politicians themselves? Or do the underlying causes stem from other changes in our society? Without being specific to individuals, Peters will examine traits and traditions we believed were inherent in our heritage, and how they, or the lack of them, effect nearly all facets of our lives and standards.
During the service, Peters will team up with our pianist for a “trumpet & piano” selection to grace the morning with music. Being the Third Sunday of the month also brings members to the table for Pot Luck, downstairs; all are invited to bring a dish to share and enjoy this time together.

Sunday services are held at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary at 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, where everyone is welcome. Services are also shared on Zoom; the link is sent to members and to all interested by contacting