Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists welcome Dennis Peters next Sunday, May 19th., to address the issue of Abundance. When does the blessing of abundance become a problem? How many of us will confess to the tendency to hold on to too much stuff?
Peters invites us to consider this, observing that “Our country is awash in possessions that have overflowed our homes. One quarter of the population rent storage areas to keep the stuff they can no longer find space for; parents don’t pass along precious heirlooms to their children, because the kids don’t want it – don’t have room for it!” Peters will expose a more serious point to the dilemma of affluence.

After concluding the morning’s service, the BHUU Fellowship will re-convene into the “Annual Meeting” to conclude business held over from May 5th. Everyone is welcome to attend BHUU Sunday services at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the zoom link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting