February 16, 2025

This coming Sunday, February 16th ,  Chaplain Dennis Peters asks the provocative question: “What is Wrong?”  In order to discover solutions, we first need to know what the problem is  — Ch Peters offers as a starting point, to explore with Blue Hills UU’s  some of the (many) problems in the world today, with an attempt to roll in some warmth and humor where we’re able.

The next step, for another time, we’ll attempt to discover solutions. Ch. Peters invites us to “Come walk with me through our world today, so we may think about the world of tomorrow.”

Ch Dennis Peters & Lilly

Blue Hills  UU Fellowship will host our monthly potluck this same Sunday morning, so members and friends are encouraged to bring a dish to pass and plan to enjoy camaraderie & nourishment with members and friends.

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to our services, which begin at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting patriciashifferd@gmail.com. https://bluehillsuu.org