9:15 Forum: The war that saved my life
Fifth-grader Rena Curtis will explore the First UU Principle in “The War that Saved My Life.” Taking place in London during WWII, the 10 year old hero of the story is in constant conflict with her own inherent worth and dignity. The lessons she and those around her learn throughout the story are both empowering and inspiring.
10:30 Service: Music and Poetry Sunday
Join us as we share and enjoy musical and poetic favorites! All are welcome to bring a piece to read, sing, play, or express in any way.
12:00 Potluck
As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck!
12:00 board meeting
As the board meeting on the 8th was cancelled, we will be meeting on the 15th instead. All are welcome to attend.