Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists of Rice Lake welcome the return of an old friend and fellow UU, Arthur Thexton of the Milwaukee area. On Sunday March 23rd, Thexton will lead us to consider the second source of UU: “Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion and the transforming power of love.” In that context, Arthur will focus on the life of James Reeb, a 20th century UU martyr. Reeb, a UU minister and activist during the civil rights movement, was murdered while participating in the Selma to Montgomery, Alabama march in 1965. His murder remains officially unsolved.
Thexton describes himself as an “upraised UU and part-time, itinerant, circuit-riding, lay preacher in the UU tradition.” Having served in various law-related posts in Neillsville and Barron counties, Arthur then spent the majority of his career as an attorney in Madison, WI where he was one of the founders of the James Reed UU Fellowship on E. Johnson Street.

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, however all interested may request it by contacting