
February 23, 2025

We are gifted this coming Sunday, February 23rd, to be able to enjoy a recorded service from the Vancouver North Shore Unitarians of Canada, with whom we have shared (virtually) some exceptional Sunday mornings in the past. “Where the Light Begins: A UU Perspective of Grace” as hosted by Rebecca Lindley is certain to fill our morning with hope, spiritual connection and a deeper understanding of what we Unitarians look for as we seek a depth of meaning in our conflicted world.

Dr. Rebecca Lindley

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, however all interested may request it by contacting

February 16, 2025

This coming Sunday, February 16th ,  Chaplain Dennis Peters asks the provocative question: “What is Wrong?”  In order to discover solutions, we first need to know what the problem is  — Ch Peters offers as a starting point, to explore with Blue Hills UU’s  some of the (many) problems in the world today, with an attempt to roll in some warmth and humor where we’re able.

The next step, for another time, we’ll attempt to discover solutions. Ch. Peters invites us to “Come walk with me through our world today, so we may think about the world of tomorrow.”

Ch Dennis Peters & Lilly

Blue Hills  UU Fellowship will host our monthly potluck this same Sunday morning, so members and friends are encouraged to bring a dish to pass and plan to enjoy camaraderie & nourishment with members and friends.

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to our services, which begin at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting

February 9, 2025

Sunday February 9th, Rev. Terry Cummings will reflect on the positive aspects of our “shadow” with Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists, and how it may lead to spiritual growth as we move through the stages of our lives. Psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote of a person’s subconscious dimension of personality, and the dark side he called the ‘shadow’ –but Rev Cummings goal is to lift that vision:  rather than ‘our shadow’ being a negative, dark side of personality, it is just one part of a whole.

“By embracing that concept, we may be encouraged to try new things, to forgive ourselves for what we feel is negative and to consider ways we may become more fully engaged with ‘Who’ we are, especially as the responsibilities of parenting and careers begin to recede.”

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, however all interested may request it by contacting

FEBRUARY! 2, 2025

Active BHUU member Judith Barisonzi takes to the pulpit Sunday February 2nd, to lead us in considering one of the prime “principles” at the heart of our beliefs as a UU:  “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” Judy suggests that “As we make our way this year through a re-examination of the principles and sources of Unitarian-Universalism, it seems a proper time to devote some thought and discussion to our 5th Principle:  What actually is the “right of conscience?  Do we truly believe in it?  And why is it necessary to the functioning of a democracy?”

Judith Barisonzi

We will also be taking up a special collection as our fellowship seeks to raise funds for “World Relief,” an organization whose mission is to aid immigrants already in this country, as they seek relocation.  The Chippewa Valley branch of World Relief, as part of the larger organization, was recently notified of severe cuts in funding by the federal government -impacting close to 4,000 newly arrived refugees already in the U.S., 175 of whom are already here in Wisconsin.

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to our services, which begin at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and are also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, however all interested may request it by contacting

January 26, 2025

Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship enthusiastically welcomes Rick StGermaine, Prof. Emeritus UW Eau Claire, as guest speaker Sunday, January 26th.  Currently the Director of Education and historian for our neighboring LCO tribe, Dr StGermaine’s experience and list of accomplishments include over 11 years of service as Tribal Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Tribe; he resides with his family on the reservation near Hayward.

In exploring “The Anishinaabe World View: LCO Experience” StGermaine will share with us research on the evolution of Midewiwin spiritual way of life among the Lac Courte Oreilles tribal people, summarizing a three day examination of “several thousand pieces of spiritual artifacts” that he and a team of LCO elders examined at the Milwaukee Public Museum this past autumn.  “This collection is from a time that a host of anthropologists conducted years of research at LCO examining and studying their spiritual ceremonies during 1898-1911, 1932, and 1939-43.”  

Rick StGermaine

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and all interested may request it by contacting

January 19, 2025

Returning to the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist pulpit, Chaplain Dennis Peters asks the fellowship “Where has the time gone?”  What time, really, is it?  The Chicago Transit Authority questioned “Does Anybody Really Know What Time it Is?”

Ch Dennis invites us to take a look at how we got here, from wherever it was we were – and should we consider time travel too?  Is that what we’re doing right now?  Bring your thoughts to share as we delve into life’s most curious conundrums.

Ch Dennis Peters

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting

January 12, 2025

Rev Phil Lund of St Paul, Minnesota, will conduct the Sunday Service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on January 12th.  As our Congregational Life Consultant of UUA’s MidAmerica staff, Rev Lund offers to lead us in “… exploring some of the keys to human connection that congregations can use in building lives and communities that are healthier and happier.”

In welcoming Rev Lund to Rice Lake, our fellowship will host the monthly potluck a week earlier, so members and friends can share more time with Phil.  Please bring a dish to pass and plan to enjoy camaraderie & nourishment with members and friends.

Rev Phil Lund

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to our services, which begin at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and also on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting

January 5, 2025

As we welcome a new year and the bountiful possibilities it brings to us, Blue Hills UU member Maureen Skuban will take us on an exploration of the “intentions” we set for ourselves – and what they  may say about our values.  What is the purpose of what informs those intentions?  Do our actions reflect that same purpose?

We acknowledge the “human condition” when we don’t measure up, or when circumstances stand in our way, but may we also look for ways to set our intentions to realistically line up with our hopes for the new year?  May we reflect on the impact they might have on our community?  Be with us this first day of 2025 as we delve into the possibilities before us.

Maureen with Mercy Mae! and Colby

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting

December 29, 2024

Blue Hills UU will gather at 10 a.m. Sunday, December 29th to honor our long time member and friend, Kent Shifferd;  peace activist, environmental educator and author, Kent passed away this past October 26th.   All are invited to gather with his wife Pat, their family and friends on this special morning to share remembrances and celebrate Kent’s bountiful life.

Chaplain Dennis Peters and Pastor Doug Olson will guide the morning with music, poetry and sharing.  All are also invited to gather for a luncheon following the service.  

Kent and Pat Shifferd

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to our Sunday services, which begin at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings, 230 W. Messenger St., in Rice Lake.

December 22, 2024

The morning of December 22nd will mark the return of our friend and fellow Unitarian-Universalist Arthur Thexton, to conduct our Sunday service at Blue Hills UU.  As the end of this year approaches, Arthur will reflect on one of our most relished obsessions:  the New Year’s Resolution. 

“Making promises to oneself at this transitional time in our secular year has become part of our culture. Are we making the right ones? Do our UU values help us in this process?”  How often do you take part in this ritual? And what success have you had in your promises to yourself?   Thexton always leads us to critique what we know of our beliefs, and ourselves, in brief discussion following his sermon.

Arthur and friend

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting