
October 6, 2024

Rev Terry Cummings will celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of animals and the environment, at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Sunday October 6th.  A thirteenth century monk, St Francis founded the Franciscan order which still exists today.  Many faith traditions, including UU’s celebrate St. Francis Day with a blessing of the animals during the service.

We shall follow this tradition in honoring all creatures great and small. Those present in person or on Zoom will be invited to share stories and memories of their favorite animals, and may bring pictures to share –or may bring their pets to the service. Guest speaker Rev. Terry Cummings will offer a blessing to all that are present, in person and in the hearts and minds of members and friends.  Rev. Terry will also share a reflection on the spiritual connection between people and animals in her sermon, “Animals Are People Too.”

St Francis Assisi

We invite everyone to be with us for services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in our fellowship hall, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  All are welcome at Blue Hills UU; the zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting

September 29, 2024

What do we know regarding the separation of church and state? Other than that it was meant to be a primal standard in our nation, has that blurred?

Five years ago, the 270-member Beth Adam synagogue of Loveland, Ohio, bearing the standard of “Old to Bold”, placed the issue of separation of church and state at the center of their social justice work.

Beginning with a humanist approach to their mission, it took several years of work and study to create a 45-minute, imaginatively illustrated presentation on the subject, which they have presented in person and via Zoom to more than 25 groups around the country.  We are graced to be able to have their team speaking and interacting with us via Zoom at our own Sunday service, September 29th.

Rabbi Barr of Beth Adams Synagogue

We invite everyone to be with us for our services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in our fellowship hall, 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  All are welcome at Blue Hills UU; the zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting

September 22, 2024

Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists will focus study on the “Second Principle” of their faith: “Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations” during the Sunday service of September 22.   The importance of these values in our lives and communities are regarded as bedrock to a functioning society.  

We’ll look to the renowned defense lawyer, Clarence Darrow, to guide our discussion by examining one of his historic cases. Dubbed “the absolute king of trial lawyers”, Clarence Darrow was a powerful and skilled attorney whose work highlighted and enacted much needed legal and social reform. He began as a specialist of labor law, transforming from a corporate lawyer into a civil rights activist who backed the working class and other marginalized populations.  We expect a lively discussion to follow the presentation.

Clarence Darrow

All are invited to be with us on Sundays;  services begin at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake and on Zoom.  Everyone is welcome to our congregation; the zoom link is sent to members, and all interested may request it by contacting

September 15, 2024

BHUU welcomes back  our traveling chaplain Dennis Peters, announcing that “It’s a day for metaphors. Let’s talk about hummingbirds!” Peters explains “When you look in the dictionary under the word “feisty,” there should very well be a picture of a hummingbird.

This little bird can be fearless. You can be weeding in the flowerbed, and suddenly find yourself nose-to-nose with the little one; their wings are moving so fast they generate a vibration like a giant bumblebee. And just as suddenly, it’s gone! Leaving you wishing “No – Wait, Come Back!”  Be with us as Ch Dennis leads the fellowship to discover how does this becomes a metaphor we may all take to heart.

Third Sunday each month is also a time for gathering after service to share in Potluck.  All are welcome to bring a dish to pass and enjoy camaraderie and nourishment with members and neighbors.  As always – everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

September 8, 2024

Each year Unitarian Universalists pause to reaffirm our spiritual community as  fall approaches;  “Ingathering” became a traditional time of return from summer travels, as members gathered together again.. 

Blue Hills UUs will share a more informal Ingathering this year.  Our time together will be spent sharing our hopes and fears of the year just past, as well as those we foresee in the year to come. Music, joys & concerns and readings will supplement our shared reflections.

Drumming with Don Karsky

Be with us on Sunday, September 8th as we practice the ABC’s of Fellowship;  our service begins at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake and on Zoom.  As always – everyone is welcome at our fellowship;  the zoom link is sent to members, and all interested may request it by contacting

September 1, 2024

We begin our journey into September with our Sunday Service coming to us from All Souls Unitarian Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma.  All Souls was founded by people who came to Tulsa to seize the opportunities of a booming oil town – but could see that the presence of a liberal religious voice was needed for the healthy development of the community.  Envisioning a congregation coming together for the worship of God and the service of humankind, today more than 1,800 adults claim All Souls as their spiritual home.  

Their membership includes business, state and civic leaders – people from all walks of life holding a broad spectrum of personal and political views, and note that “Our building often houses both sides of a controversy. In a delicately and respectfully held balance, our congregation worships together while individually holding a broad spectrum of beliefs and unbeliefs”

All Souls Unitarian Church – Tulsa, Oklahoma

Be with us at Blue Hills UU this September 1st., as we link into a Sunday morning service with one of our dynamic affiliated Unitarian congregations;  our service will begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake and on Zoom. As always – everyone is welcome at the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship;  the zoom link is sent to members, and all interested may request it by contacting

August 25, 2024

What’s stokin’ your fire? Yankin’ your chain? In this fast and furious world of ours, there’s always an awful lot that gets us riled up … and quite often something wonderful we wish more folks would hear about!  Now it’s your chance to get it off your chest — SOAPBOX SUNDAY comes every once in awhile to Blue Hills UU, and returns again this coming service, August 25th.  

Stand up for what you believe in!

So – dust off your current litany of such that needs our ATTENTION, warm  up your vocal chords and be with us to share that which is most pressing in your lexicon of all that needs more focus.

Services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake and on Zoom. As always – everyone is welcome at the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship;  the zoom link is sent to members, and all interested may request it by contacting

August 18, 2024

Chaplain Dennis Peters with us at Blue Hills UU Fellowship to conduct the Sunday Service, August 18th.  Peters will explore with our congregation the “First Principle” of our faith:  “The inherent worth and dignity of every person.” Many of us view the tenets of our “Seven Principles and Six Sources,” as the bedrock foundation of our faith, which has it roots in the same time period when Christianity was formed as it separated from Judaism; we look forward to an in depth study of them in the coming months.  

The third Sunday each month is also a time for gathering after the service to share in Potluck with the members.  All are welcome to bring a dish to pass and enjoy camaraderie and nourishment with members and your neighbors.  As always – everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

August 11, 2024

One of our most looked forward to Sunday Services at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship, consists of music and poetry.  On August 11th., members and guests are invited to share their best loved selections of poetry, be it that of their own, or a favorite author.  Guest pianist Kathy Schultz will be present to provide her wonderful, lilting offering of hymns and perhaps some of your own favorite musical selections.

All are welcome at Blue Hills UU;  services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

August 4, 2024

Rev Terry Cummings will conduct the Service at Blue Hills UU, Sunday, August 4th. , and delve into the “Living Tradition of Unitarian Universalism.” Drawing from the Six Sources of UU, Rev Cummings dedicates the morning to the second source: “Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice compassion and the transforming power of love.”

Rev Terry Cummings

Cummings will reflect on the words and deeds of current day leaders whom history may one day judge to be such persons. Discussion always follows the services at BHUU, and everyone is welcome to take part.  Services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting