
Sunday, Feb 10th Schedule

Unitarian Universalists recognize and honor six basic “Sources” as the rock for the belief systems and philosophies shared by UU fellowships.  At the 9:15 Forum Sunday February 10, Kent Shifferd and Robert Hasman will lead a discussion centering on these Sources and how they may be particularly meaningful to each of us as individuals.

The 10:30 Service will be led by Judith Barisonzi, with a goal to consider  “The UU View of Evil.”  Noting that “it has always been difficult for Unitarian Universalists to reconcile the often dark complexity of human nature with belief in the value of each individual human being,” the fellowship is invited to “ponder evil” and its implications for a spiritual outlook.

Sunday, Feb 3rd Schedule

Our Sunday, February 3rd Service will take a somewhat different format: the morning will begin at 9:30 by watching a video of the “Ware Lecture” presented by Brittany Packnett to the UU General Assembly of 2018.

Established in honor of “the distinguished services of three generations of the Ware family to the cause of pure Christianity” these lectures have been presented to the Assembly each year since 1922. Ms Packnett is an educator, organizer, writer, and speaker, and has become a sought-after voice in the work of social change. She serves as “Teach For America’s” Vice President of National Community Alliances, where she leads civil rights work with communities of color.

The fellowship will then break for refreshments and announcements, followed by chalice lighting and then return to a discussion of the Ware Lecture for as long as people wish to stay. This will replace the formal Service for this Sunday.

Sunday, Jan 27th Schedule

“Diabetes Prevention” will be the focus of the January 27th Forum. The service at 10:30 will be a look at the controversial Moynihan Report.

“Diabetes Prevention” will be the focus of the Sunday January 27th Forum at 9:15 a.m. Exercise Physiologist Chad Johnson of the Dept of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Lakeside Medical Center in Rice Lake, will share information and answer questions.

The Service begins at 10:30, conducted by Brian Rude, who will share his observations on the implications of “The Moynihan Report”. Compiled by former Secretary of Labor Daniel Moynihan, the controversial document called for national legislation to improve the lives of black Americans. Kept secret for a time, the report became an important contribution in the history of civil rights in America.

Refreshments and community discussion will be shared after the service.

Sunday, Jan 13th Schedule

Those attending the 9:15 Forum on Sunday, January 13th are invited to share what they’ve been reading to stay energized and interested through the dark winter months.  Bring the book, the name of your favorite author, and your enthusiasm and tell us what you’ve found.

Our 10:30 Service will consider the “Six Sources” of Unitarian-Universalist thought, with the addition of what speaker Jude Genereaux considers to be the primal, the actual First Source:  “Art.  Visual and Written.”  What is the lingering impact to one’s religious base that springs from the instinct to create?  To one’s  exposure to art?  The congregation is urged to bring their own example to the session.

A time for food and fellowship always follows the service;  all are invited and welcome to attend. 

Sunday, Jan 6th Schedule

The first Forum of the New Year, 9:15 a.m. January 6th will be a UU favorite –“SOAPBOX SUNDAY” – an hour of open dialogue and discussion.  Bring your thoughts and passion front & center and let’s hear what you have on your mind;  the start of all good activity begins with finding community.

Our 10:30 a.m. Service will be led by Waldo Asp.  An ordained Methodist minister, Dr. Asp taught English, philosophy, logic and ethics at the college level.  This Sunday he will speak to “A New Year–A New Age”, noting that “Much of what I once thought was true and of value, is now seen to be of little consequence”, leading us to explore new world realities being ushered in.

soapbox stand with painted words

Sunday, Dec 30th Schedule

Presentation of the TED Talk “How We can Face the Future Without Fear” will be shown at the 9:15 UU Forum Sunday December 30th . As discussion leader, Pat Shifferd will lead the congregation in considering the topic as we move into a new year.

Former Board Chair Ken Hood will continue the theme within the Service at 10:30, focusing on anticipation of 2019. “Come prepared to consider your hopes, dreams, and aspirations; the fellowship will spend some time in quiet reflection and writing as we look back on 2018 and forward to 2019.”

A time for fellowship and noshing follows the service; all are invited and welcome to attend.

Sunday, Dec 9th Schedule

December 9th brings guest speaker Paul Miller to the Blue Hills UU Forum at 9:15 a.m.  As a retired Eau Claire police officer of 29 years, Mr. Miller is a life long advocate for reform, especially as to an assault weapons ban.  He will share with the congregation his perspective on firearm safety and gun control through discussion and a power point presentation.

The morning Service hour begins at 10:30 a.m.  Photographer Gary Noren teams with composer Marty Harding to help us celebrate the natural world as part of the morning Service, sharing with the fellowship their creative program on the St Croix and Namekagon Rivers.

A time for fellowship and nourishment always follows the service; all are invited and welcome to attend.

Sunday, November 11th Schedule

Forum at the BHUU Sunday morning @ 9:15 will bring Judith Barisonzi front & center to lead us in considering our mission of being respectful of all points of view as we encourage the interchange of ideas within our forums themselves, and develop a broader understanding of U-U principles.

We’re honored to welcome guest speaker, the Rev Suzanne Wasilczuk, serving the Unitarian Universalist faith in Ontario, Minnesota & Wisconsin, to conduct our service.  Her sermon “Religion in Five and Af Half Objects”, reflects on the ideas of author S. Brent Plate, as he describes his concept of what comprises religious history.  Rev Plate considers that religion does not have to consist of beliefs or dogmas, but instead may be comprised of tangible links to a variety of values, an embodied faith, symbolic of our deeper needs.   Sounds like a perfect UU morning to me!

Yeats Quote over flowers
“The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – WB Yeats

Sunday, November 18th Schedule

Each Sunday BHUU hosts a Forum focused on topical facets of life, beginning at 9:15 a.m. Our November 18th Forum centers on ways we can practice tolerance, love, kindness and compassion toward others as well as ourselves. Led by members Colton Schmidt and Dana Lined, the fellowship will consider how to love others, even those we may consider to be our enemies.
The Service begins at 10:30 with a reading of the “Seven UU principles”, sharing of joys and concerns, local announcements and social action, music and singing from our UU hymnal. Sunday’s sermon will be taken from the book, “A Question of Belief”, which not only questions belief systems, but provides passages from a variety of philosophers and spiritual seekers.
As usual, a time for fellowship follows the service.

Sunday, November 4th Schedule

Our 9:15 forum this November 4th, “Understanding White Privilege” provides safe space for uncomfortable conversations on the topic. Our former Board Chair, Nadine Wetzel-Curtis will lead the discussion, aimed to continue the process of being an ally for people of color.

Service begins at 10:30 with the reading of the Seven UU principles, joys and concerns, local announcements and social action, music and singing from our UU hymnal. The fellowship will be led this week by member Valerie Rude, a practicing therapist working with those who’ve suffered trauma and trying to return to work; the sermon/message will focus on the topic “Being Bi-polar”.

Blue Hills UU is located at 230 West Messenger St., Rice Lake, WI.

All are invited and welcome to attend.