
Sunday, April 16 Schedule

9:15 forum: transcendentalism series #11, the 19th century legacy

Emerson said that “Transcendentalism” was synonymous with Idealism.  His complete and complex philosophy brings in some of the best ideas from ancient wisdom, especially from Buddhism.

10:30 service: stealing jesus: a video sermon

Unitarian Universalists have an ambiguous and complicated relationship with Jesus. We may be okay with “God,” but when it comes to “Jesus,” we may feel that his message has become so compromised as to render him irrelevant for the 21st Century. The Jesus we know has been stolen from that place, and from the place in history that he deserves. Who stole Jesus, and why? And, should we try to steal him back?


11:30: third sunday potluck, all invited!

As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck!  Bring a dish to pass if you please ????

Sunday, April 9th Schedule

9:15 forum: adaptive equipment

The hour-long presentation will be given by Valerie Rude, a licensed occupational therapist with 40 years of experience in the field. She will share from experience how adaptive equipment can be used in the home for making activities of daily living easier safer for elderly or disabled people.

10:30 service: Do people like to fight?

Do people like to fight, or do they simply get caught up in situations that necessitate fighting?  This talk tries to answer that question primarily from an evolutionary perspective, looking at human and animal nature and motivations.

11:30 coffee, tea, and snacks

Sunday, April 2nd Schedule

9:15 Forum: Transcendentalism series #10, theodore parker

“Theodore Parker was an American Transcendentalist and reforming minister of the Unitarian church.  A reformer and abolitionist, his words and popular quotations would later inspire speeches by Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr.”

10:30 Service: The shaman, the scientist, and the swamp walker

Bob Hasman will lead a service about what it means to be a shaman, a scientist, and a swamp walker and what these three categories have in common.  The service will also include a short ceremony for welcoming new members to the Fellowship.  Please come and join in welcoming Dana and Colten.

11:30 coffee, tea, and snacks

12:00 Board meeting, all are welcome

Sunday March 26 Schedule


Dana Lind will be leading a very timely and interesting discussion about how to kindly interact with people you disagree with.  It’s easy for us to put up walls when another person’s beliefs or viewpoints are so different from our own.  Dana will share some tips to practice compassionate listening, understanding, and asking questions in order to try to find common ground or human connection in conversations with others who we might strongly disagree with.

10:30 Service: Myth,magic, and folklore

Phil Cooper and Susan Urban are full time touring musicians that form the duo called February Sky.  They will be leading a lively program that combines “traditional, modern, and original folk and Celtic music” with enlightening services for all ages, February Sky is set to deliver a lively program on “Myth, Magic and Folklore.”

11:30 coffee, tea, and snacks

Sunday, March 19th Schedule


There will be a documentary showing of “Before the Flood” and a discussion to follow.  In the documentary, Leonardo DiCaprio collaborates with activists, scientists, and change makers to discuss how climate change is impacting life as we know it and how everyday people can be a part of the solution.  Child care will be provided during the film.

11:30 Potluck

As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck!  Bring a dish to pass if you please 🙂

Sunday, March 12th Schedule

9:15 Forum: common read discussion continued

Jude Genereaux will be leading the continuation of the book discussion on the UU common read, “The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear.”

10:30 Service: the measure of all things

Our speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Bruce Johnson, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth.  He will be talking about the varied teachings of Humanism and about how to “heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of mind and spirit.”

11:30 coffee, tea, and snacks

Sunday, March 5th Schedule

9:15 Forum: Discussion of the uua’s common read

Linda Tollefsrud will be facilitating the discussion of the book “The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear.”

10:30 Service: Norsk Myth & Predictions of the Future

Waldo Asp delves into the timelessness of Nordic myths; of how they reflect what we believe to be true, and how myths have and will continue to facilitate our predictions for the future, especially for those discovering the planet and cosmos.

11:30 Coffee, tea, and snacks

12:00 board meeting: all are welcome to attend

Sunday, February 19 Schedule

9:15 Forum: altruism

Rena and Bryan Wetzel-Curtis will be leading a discussion about the selfless concern for all of life and how this practice brings benefits to all parties.  How altruism can contribute to a more peaceful planet will be a great topic to think and talk about.

10:30 Service: Reader’s Theater: “god and gabe”

The play, written by Kent Shifferd, features a conversation between God and the Angel Gabriel. God is trying to make sense of humans and has Gabe bring various people before Him so he can question them.


11:30 Potluck

As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck!

Sunday, February 12 Schedule

9:15 Forum: Poetry discussion: Robert Frost’s “The Draft Horse”

Judy Barisonzi will be leading the discussion of Robert Frost’s poem, “The Draft Horse.” Our poetry discussions are fun and engaging, and the more people who add their perspective, the more everyone will get out of it.

10:30 Service: Hildegard of bingen: What does this 12th century woman offer us?

Pat Schifferd will talk about Hildegard of Bingen, the 12th century mystic and composer, has also been characterized as being: scientist, ecologist, pantheist, feminist.  But who was she really?  The talk will attempt to discern who the real Hildegard was.

11:30 Coffee and snacks