
October 22, 2023

Long time friend and Unitarian, Arthur Thexton returns to Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist fellowship Sunday, October 22nd to share in the study of the history our faith.  Classically, the “Unitarian controversy” developed around the Trinity, the doctrine that there is one deity with three presentations:  Father, Son, and Spirit.  This doctrine was actually part of a larger discussion which occurs within all religious traditions and becomes a study of human nature itself:  a struggle that has never been resolved with unanimity.

Arthur Thexton

A one time resident of Rice Lake, Mr Thexton speaks regularly at UU congregations, referring to himself as “a part-time, itinerant, circuit-riding lay preacher in the UU tradition.”  After completing studies at the Meadville Lombard Theological School, Thexton attended the University of Chicago before obtaining his law degree from UW Madison.  He served as Assistant District Attorney in Barron County during the mid-1980’s, and now resides in Wauwatosa, WI with his family.

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom;  the link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting

October 15, 2023

What do we know about “Gifted” people?  Could you be one?  Our traveling chaplain, Dennis Peters, will  journey to Blue Hills UU this Sunday, October 15th to consider with us the many times we hear of people with special abilities: amazing memories, perfect pitch, lightning calculation, HSAM (or Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory), and many others. 

What might be the trade-off for having these gifts?   Or one might wonder “Why don’t I have any of those things?”  Ch Peters will explore these gift and share some examples – and maybe take a look at what some think might be avenues of growth for us all. After the service, we will gather downstairs for our THIRD SUNDAY POT LUCK – bring a dish to share and time to enjoy your fellowship.

Ch Peters and Lily

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting

October 8, 2023

Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists welcome a new representative of their faith to the Rice Lake Fellowship:  Rev Jack M. Copas of the UU Church of Tampa, Florida on Sunday October 8th.    Rev Copas will challenge the fellowship with the question “Are we Putting our Faith to the Test.”

In considering how divergently conservative and liberal religions respond to the three basic religious concepts of revelation, salvation and ecumenism, Rev Copas suggests that the decisions we as a people make about the nature of these revelations becomes a fundamental point, or a departure for those of faith.

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting

October 1, 2023

What actually is “Wokeism”?  Our Vice Chairman, David Hart will explore the topic with fellow Unitarian-Universalists at Blue Hills Fellowship’s Sunday Service, October 1st.   Dave asks “Have we gone too far with “Identity Politics”?  In part a review of Dr. Norman Finkelstein’s book “I’ll Burn That Bridge When I Get To It”, Dave will consider the effect “wokeism” has had on working class politics, and the backlash to it.  What too, may be the effect on academic freedom in America today?

After experiencing many years living in South Korea, Dave will surely bring a distinct perspective to the topic, impacted by his experience living in a unique and contrasting culture. 

BHUU’s Dave Hart

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting

September 24, 2023

Chaplain Dennis Peters will travel to Rice Lake September 24th to present the Sunday Service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.   As proponents of interfaith relations, UU’s regard pluralism as an important characteristic of their faith.  Ch Peters will lead an inquiry into an evaluation of what that requires – and how related beliefs determine what being a UU asks of members.    

After a successful career in IT, Ch Peters shifted his focus to Spiritual Care, completing a Masters of Arts in Religious Leadership, concentrating on Interfaith Chaplaincy.   The Master’s program included spiritual support for individuals and an ongoing study of different faiths as part of this journey, and   completed his first chaplaincy unit at a daytime center for those without homes, or living with addiction or mental health issues.

Ch. Dennis Peters

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting

September 17, 2023

As the Congregational Life Consultant for the Midwestern Region of UUA, Rev Phil Lund MN will address the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday September 17th.   His message will focus on the importance of UU’s historical  mission of being a welcoming religion.   Lund notes that “As the number of people seeking religious community continues to decline, the importance of UU’s ability to be our most responsive selves, is an asset that becomes more important than ever.” 

Rev Lund of has served the Midwestern UU congregations in the area of faith formation and spiritual growth as a religious educator for over twenty years;  he holds a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago and resides in St Paul, MN.

Rev Phil Lund

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting

September 10, 2023

Assembling.  Homecoming.  Returning.   We Blue Hills UU’s will carry on our tradition of celebrating the quieting of summer activities and travels, as we return to school, to work, to home – and our fellowship.  Our “Ingathering” service this year will transition from bringing a rock commemorating our travels, to a special celebration of the importance of water in our lives, as well as in that of all beings on our planet.

Please join us Sunday September 10th – and bring a small contribution of water  collected from a source important to you.  We will combine all such treasures as we reflect on the sacredness of water – and also spend time sharing our summer revelations before gathering for a POTLUCK after the service.

This magnificent photo by Jeff Rennicke, of Lake Superior

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting

September 2, 2023

Once again, we at Rice Lake’s Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship will gather to share the microphone and express what’s on our mind, as we gather for “Soapbox Sunday” this first of September Services on the 2nd.   Long a tradition of UU’s everywhere is to find time to convey concerns and passions, information, attitudes and discoveries.  Time will be allotted at the podium to all who are interested in relating what’s captured their attention, whether it be politics, a new awareness, or the latest VIP book they’ve found.

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting

August 27, 2023

Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship welcomes Dr. Kent Shifferd Sunday, August 28th. to share insight as he introduces his most recent book project, “Betraying Jesus: the Tragedy Of Christian Violence.”

Why was Jesus, who taught love and compassion, so badly betrayed by many of his followers who practiced violence in his name?  This contradiction of intent and action has mystified many through the centuries … what is there to do about it?

Kent Shifferd, Ph.D

Dr Shifferd is Prof Emeritus who taught environmental history and ethics for twenty five years at Northland College and former Executive Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies.

All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary, 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting

August 20, 2023

God is Love. 1 John 4:16   Yes, but “Who”, what is God?   How do we answer this question?  Does this sound like an impossible task?  Or do each of us have a firm concept guiding our understanding?  

Coming from many different religious backgrounds and practices as we do, Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist chaplain Dennis Peters will lead the Rice Lake Fellowship in going back in time to explore this, Sunday August 20th.   As an extremely important goal to most of us, Chaplain Peters calls to “Let us begin”

WC by JB

All are reminded that this will also be our THIRD SUNDAY POT LUCK and are invited to attend at the sanctuary 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  For those attending service on Zoom, the Order of Service is attached, below.  Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting