And good company ????
And good company ????
Linda Thompson will have two focus topics: “Love Resists”, a response to Charlottesville events and the “Wonder of the Eclipse”. Somber and joyful. That’s life, right? The service will include the chalice lighting, welcome and announcements, joys and concerns, reading the 7 principles, music and song, and speaking for social action.
As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck! Bring a dish to pass if you please ????
Kent Shifferd will lead the fellowship with the chalice lighting, welcome and announcements, reading the 7 principles, music and song, speaking for social action, joys and concerns, and his message about “into the valley of the shadow of death and out”
And good company ????
Waldo Asp will lead the fellowship with the chalice lighting, welcome and announcements, the 7 principles, music and song, speaking for social action, joys and concerns, and his message about being mortal, or “who am I now” and will end with the circle of friendship.
And good company ????
The time is right for a discussion on false news and how to spot it. Fake news is nothing new, but now it can take on so many forms and reach new levels of deceitfulness. Judy Barisonzi and Irene Asp will lead this forum that will help us make sense of the many types of news we are exposed to on a daily basis
And good company ????
The Forum this Sunday will be a discussion of what basis we can see for a common set of values/beliefs that would allow our country to transcend the polarization we increasingly see affecting our political and social lives.
Attached are 2 articles that may serve as thought-stimulators for the interchange.
As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck! Bring a dish to pass if you please ????
How do you communicate with those who you mildly or strongly disagree with? How do we find common ground with people who hold personal, political, or world views that are drastically different from our own? Colten Schmidt will tell a couple stories and ask questions such as these in order to provoke a mindful discussion on getting along and communicating with people whose belief systems seem to be at odds with our own.
Brian Rude will lead the fellowship in joys & concerns, announcements, calls for social action, live music and joyful singing, and his thoughts about the question “How Christian should Unitarian Univeralists be?”
And good company ????
All are invited to learn about green and cheap household cleaners. Participants will have the chance to make their own solutions to take home, without the harmful chemicals found in so many store-bought products. Ingredients will be provided; just bring a glass bottle and lid to get started!
The hour-long workshop, presented by Nadine Wetzel-Curtis, will begin at 10:30 am. Coffee, tea, and potluck will follow at 11:30. We look forward to seeing you at the UU!
As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck! Bring a dish to pass if you please ????
Brian Rude will lead the fellowship in joys & concerns, announcements, calls for social action, live music and joyful singing, and his ideas on how to overcome the guilt, sadness, and shame that comes with historical injustices.
And good company ????