Drumming & Poetry … rhythm and rhyme? Prepare to participate and enjoy both ! as the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists bring Don Karsky of St Croix Falls to teach us a few things about drum circles. Mr Karksy is well known on the western edge of the state for leading an uplifting spiritual experience through hand drumming and the power of the spoken word.
All are invited to attend Blue Hills UU services, and this particular morning, are encouraged to bring a drum; if you don’t have one Mr. Karsky will have extras to share. And if you have a favorite poem focused on the spiritual or natural world, bring it to share during this service.
Participate or observe: it’s your choice – but we’re certain you will be engaged by the energy of this morning service which begins at 10:30 a.m., Sunday August 18th. And who knows? Those interested might establish a drumming circle of their own, as the beat goes on.
This being “third Sunday” of the month also means there will be a Pot Luck luncheon following the service; all are welcome to join in.