Our own Kent Shifferd is plotting to bring the real dirt on “Dirt” to our Blue Hills UU’s this coming Sunday, August 9th. “Dirt”, Dr. Kent tells us “is not only amazing, but is quite literally the ground of our being.”
We simply refer to the substance as “dirt”, but there is a significant difference between soil, loam and dirt: dirt is what you get on your clothes and hands while working in the soil. Soil is “made up of elements that have been decomposing since the earth was created, composed of bedrock and mountain stones broken down over eons by wind and rain.” Be with us as Kent leads us to discover the importance of this element, and, as he would remind us: “No dirt /no Us”

We meet in cyber space at 10 a.m. Sunday. The Zoom link will be sent to members by Saturday, though all interested are invited to participate; visitors may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org for the link needed to join the service.
Recently elected BHUU Board members will meet in regular Board session after the conclusion of the service, 11:00. New officers are Chairman Mark Van Etten, Vice Chair Pat Shifferd, Treasurer Jude Genereaux and members at large: Judy Barisonzi, Valerie Rude, Linda Tollefsrud and Ken Hood. Board meetings are always open to all BHUU members.