The 10 a.m. Service January 12 at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship will address “Engaging The Climate/Extinction Crisis: BHUUF In Action.” Dr. Kent Shifferd, Prof Emeritus of Northland College, Ashland, will present for discussion the recommendations of BHUU’s Social and Environmental Action Committee for positive engagement with the community concerning these challenges.
Joining with UU’s Earth Ministry and Wisconsin Interfaith Power and Light are part of the first steps considered;
the hope is also to engage other faith communities in the effort.
Various plans to bring focus to Arbor Day during Earth Week in April
will be shared, and plans made with the fellowship.
Following a short “talk-back” session at 11:00, the congregation will adjourn for fellowship and light refreshments. The BHUU Board will meet at 12 noon. All are welcome to attend all the activities at BHUU, located at 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake.