Moving into July, our post Fourth of July service on the morning after, July 5, will bring the Blue Hills UU’s together in a revival of our Friday night “Coffee House” gatherings. With a few changes. First of all, we’ll be meeting at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Most dramatic however, we’ll not be in our church, but in each of our own homes via ZOOM.
Bring your own coffee – tea – OJ and snacks, but even more important: be prepared to share your experiences of this summer’s challenges, limits, impressions and hopefully you’ve experienced some joyful times. We might start with: “It’s Summer!” Rather than hosting a guest speaker, the Coffeehouse will feature YOU … there will be time for everyone to chat, so please join in. Our member Judy Barisonzi will help bring this time together for our enjoyment and edification.
BHUU continues to meet in cyber space via ZOOM for our morning service, and urges all to take part. The Zoom link will be sent to members during the week, but everyone is invited to participate; visitors may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.
(photo by Brian Kelsey)