Our own James Bradley comes home to Wisconsin through the magic of ZOOM this coming Sunday, May 10th. Retired Professor of Science and Humanities, Auburn University, Alabama, Jim challenges us to recognize “Modern brain science poses an interesting and perhaps urgent charge to Unitarian Universalists seeking to live by our first UU Principle: to respect the inherent dignity and worth of every person.”
“Researchers are growing tiny brain-like organoids in the lab in order to help prevent, treat or cure many diseases and disorders. But what if these little assemblies of cells become conscious? Some personal observations about intersections of science, the humanities, and human values may help us think about this and other quandaries posed by modern science and technology.”
We expect Bradley’s engaging question will inspire you to join us on ZOOM once again this Sunday; BHUU members will find the link needed sent to them by Email later this week, although all are welcome to participate. Serious parties wanting to take part may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org for the link needed to join the service.