Order of Service – May 3rd

Our service today will be lead by Joshua Berg.

–Welcome & introductions

–Chalice lighting

Music – Sending You Light

–Announcements & Speaking for Social Action

–Joys & Concerns – congregation

Music/video – Resilient by Rising Appalachia

Reading: “This Too Shall Pass: Tracing an Ancient Jewish Folktale” – Joshua Berg

–Sermon: Grace in the Unknown:

This months’ Soul Matters theme is “Thresholds” and the sacred word is “Surrender.” A threshold can be an entrance or exit over which we step, or it can mean the limiting force we have to surpass to take that next step. In these very uncertain times, thresholds seem to be tougher to cross and as we have been forced to surrender to the unknown. How do we embrace the increasing list of unknowns with grace in order to step forward and through?

–Discussion: Memento Vitae: What Reminds of Life? – Joshua and congregation

Hymn #131 Love will Guide Us – sung by Tisha Berg, Joshua will play


Music – I Am Light: India.Arie

–Extinguishing the Chalice

–Friendship Circle