Order of Service
Blue Hills UU’s look forward to the return of Rev Suzanne Wasilczuk on Sunday, September 30th, to conduct the service at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Rev Wasilczuk addresses “A Leap of Faith” and what faith means in a Unitarian-Universalist context: “We gather together. We gather to discover, to discern, to remember, to shape that which is of worth to us. We may speak of faith – or some may discard the concept of faith altogether.”

Rev. Suzanne Wasilczuk is a 2007 graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, now of Duluth, Minnesota, preaching at the Mesabi UU Church in Virginia MN and serves as part-time consultant to the Lakehead Unitarian Fellowship in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The Zoom link will be sent to members by Saturday, although all interested are invited to sign in – visitors may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org for the link needed to join the service.
Those lacking cyberlink connection or equipment to enable participation and want to attend service are invited to meet IN the church, masked and distanced ~!~ to watch the presentation on large screen ZOOM.
A group discussions regarding Racial Justice will take place on September 30th at 6:30 p.m. Based on the book “White Fragility”, April Neilsen serves as facilitator, encouraging those interested to take part whether the book has been read or not. A link will be sent to members the day before, noting the time of meeting.