Dr. Kent Shifferd, Prof Emeritus, Northland College, Ashland, will host the Sunday Service, April 11th , sharing with Blue Hills UU his study of, and thoughts on the 23rd Psalm.
Most Christians know this particular psalm by heart, and will appreciate hearing Shifferd’s broader illumination of its content. Revealing different English translations and commentary from a rabbi, generates reflection on the greater meaning exposed by a focused reading of the psalm. Discussion will follow Kent’s enlightening service.

Dr. Kent Shifferd
Be with us this coming Sunday as we continue to hold services on Zoom at 10 a.m. The internet link will be sent to members, although all interested are invited to take part. Visitors may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org < for the link needed. Those lacking cyberlink connection or equipment to enable participation, are invited to meet in the fellowship hall located at 230 W Messenger, masked and distanced, to watch the presentation on large screen ZOOM.