Easter Sunday will be honored at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship with a service presented by former Rice Lake resident, Arthur Thexton. Asking “Are There Any U’s In Easter?”, Thexton will explore with the fellowship how UU’s observe and celebrate the very Christian holy day of Easter.
Now retired as an attorney at Dept of Safety and Professional Services in Madison, Arthur has resumed his initial calling to the UU ministry. After attending Meadville/Lombard Theological School, he received his M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 1974, following graduation cum laude from Beloit College in 1972. He went on to earn his J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1977, serving as Family Support counselor at Barron County in the 1980’s. BHUU is always glad to welcome Mr. Thexton back to Rice Lake.

Be with us this coming Sunday, as we continue to hold Sunday services on Zoom at 10 a.m. The internet link will be sent to members, although all interested are invited to take part. Visitors may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org < for the link needed. Those lacking cyberlink connection or equipment to enable participation, are invited to meet in the fellowship hall located at 230 W Messenger, masked and distanced, to watch the presentation on large screen ZOOM.