Fathers Day will be commemorated with special guest Rev Suzanne Wasilczuk conducting the service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake, 10 a.m. Rev Wasilczuk offers “May the Sun be Your Light” as we reflect on our Fathers and their impact in our lives. BHUU’s monthly potluck will follow.
A graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, Rev Wasilczuk’s previous career was as a registered nurse, and now resides in Duluth, Minnesota with her husband. She preaches at the Mesabi UU Church in Virginia, Minnesota and also serves as part-time consultant to the Lakehead Unitarian Fellowship in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

BHUU has returned to in-person gatherings at 230 W. Messenger, but will alternate weekly services on Zoom, some to be recorded for access by members later. June 20th will be held in the fellowship hall and require all those attending be vaccinated. If there are those who are not, please wear a mask. Please see our website at bluehillsuu.org for specifics.