Order of Service (Word Doc)
Former Lay Leader April Nielsen will lead BHUU’s via Zoom for our traditional “Ingathering” Sunday September 12th. This service marks the beginning of a new church year; after a summer season when many members have been away from regular attendance, our fellowship traditionally brings a rock or other symbolic objects to share with their thoughts on where we’ve been and what we bring to re-create our Fellowship for the coming year.

Many of us hoped to be ready to gather in person for Sunday Services this Fall, but we have also noticed others who join us on Zoom, but will not be at the church building in person on Sunday mornings. So, please be responsible and accountable for your own comfort level and create a sacred space for yourself, wherever you are on Sunday, September 12.

Vaccinated persons are welcome to meet at the BHUU building in Rice Lake for this service, which will be Zoomed to the large screen. Bring a rock to add to the rock altar or add to the collection in the rain garden in the back yard. Everyone is welcome to attend via Zoom at 9:45ish, Service begins at 10:00 am. We will have music and time for everyone to speak a few words about who and where you are as we gather virtually to greet a new year together. The internet link will be sent to members; visitors may contact Ken Hood > ken@bluehillsuu.org < for the link needed