On the very first day of 2023, we at Blue Hills UU will be reminded to “Look Both Ways”, as we reflect on the New Year with member Judy Barisonzi at 10 a.m. The passage from one year to the next is traditionally a time for spiritual reflection, and Judy invites us to “Spend this time looking back and forward together.” And – to bring writing and drawing supplies for an interactive hour.

Jan Chronister, Maple WI Poet
All who seek insight are welcome at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist fellowship, 230 W. Messenger in Rice Lake. Both a free-range discussion period at 9 a.m. and the 10 a.m. Service can be accessed via Zoom; the link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Wearing masks is optional for those attending in person, although recommendations of the CDC are followed; we do expect all to be fully vaccinated. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org