Fellow Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist, Dr. Mark Van Etten hosts the Service Sunday, May 1st and plans to provoke those attending with the question: “Utopia, Really?” Using Rutger Bregman’s book “Utopia for Realists” as a starting point, Mark will launch those attending into a discussion as to whether this concept of utopia is useful – are his utopian ideals realistic? What would Utopia(s) would look like to YOU?
Now retired from Spooner Health medical staff, Dr. Van Etten remains deeply involved in community and family life and has been an annual Birkie skier for many years. He’s been heard to claim that living in the town of Greater Madge is abit of a Utopia all of it’s own.

All who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings; those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU. Use of masks is optional, consistent with CDC recommendations. Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed. There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.