PR 2022-05-08
Our Blue Hills UU Fellowship supports the work of the UUSC in a variety of ways, but –what exactly IS the UUSC? “The “Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is a non-profit, nonsectarian associate member organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association that works to provide disaster relief and promote human rights and social justice around the world.” Founded in May of 1940 by Lotta Hitschmano, today’s UUSC is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
An appropriate choice for our service this Mother’s Day, Sunday,May 8th , BHUU’s will learn more about the nurturing work and accomplishments of the UUSC; our service begins at the standard time, 10 a.m.
All who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings; those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU. As of Thursday April 28, the CDC’s Covid-19 Community Level for Barron County increased to “High”. covid-by-county.html It is the recommendation of the CDC that all persons gathering in public indoor spaces wear a mask at this level. Therefore, due to the age and health conditions of some of our members and friends, we are asking/requiring that all in-person attendees at Sunday’s BHUU service wear a mask while in the building. This shall continue until the risk level is reduced.
Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact for the link needed. There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.