Sunday, July 23rd will bring our delegates to the recent UUA General Assembly back to front & center, to share with us the “rest of the story” – their findings, impressions and conclusions brought home from their attendance. Pat Shifferd and Judy Barisonzi spent many hours focused on the happenings in Pittsburgh, as our leaders and fellow UU’s reported, debated on, and struggled to justify changes, not only to our leadership, but to some of the core values we have long believed in as members.

Please join the conversation that will follow, as Pat & Judy conclude their report – for change in our organization seems imminent. How will we proceed as Unitarian Universalists in the midst of “change” not always fully understood – some of it unwelcome to many of us. We know one thing for sure: We ARE Unitarian Universalists. And we shall remain.
All are invited to attend at the sanctuary, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members, but anyone interested may request it by contacting