Chaplain Dennis Peters reminds Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist that “One of our Principles tells us we have a role in the world, as part of the “interdependent web of all existence.” It also tells us to have respect for that web. How can you have respect for something if you don’t understand it?
One the most important tools we have for that understanding is science, but how shall we incorporate all within a spiritual realm? Many of us see this as a strength of UU – let’s explore together how to accomplish this, as Ch Peters relates “The Interdependent Web Interpreted by Science”, Sunday February 18th. .

We shall celebrate VALENTINES DAY this Third Sunday of the month, as we gather downstairs for POT LUCK! Bring something frilly & sweet to share, and enjoy time with our members as we commemorate LOVE in all its nuances..
All are invited to attend services in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sundays, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the zoom link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting