Chaplain Dennis Peters will be with us at Blue Hill Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Sunday November 11th. to consider our Third Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations. Offering an illustration of how this is perhaps not supposed to work: “After a long, serious discussion with someone, laying out what I was thinking, I ended with the question “Are we good?” The response was: “I don’t know about you, but I am.” Peters suggests that this Principle is about a little more than that.
We expect a lively discussion period will follow, before our traditional “Third Sunday” Pot Luck following the service; this month’s theme focuses on “Cranberries!”, so be prepared to enjoy some of our Wisconsin’s brightest, cheeriest offerings; bring a dish to pass and enjoy camaraderie and nourishment with members and neighbors.

Blue Hills UU invites everyone to be with us for our services, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 230 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, and on Zoom. The zoom link is sent to members, and anyone interested may request it by contacting