April 30, 2023

Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists once again welcome Arthur Thexton, to   conduct the Sunday Service April 30th.  “UU Traditions, Old and New” will be presented by Thexton over two sessions, exploring what they mean and why they are important.

Thexton points out that “Central to UUs host of traditions and rituals is the standard of congregational independence and freedom of the pulpit, both part of Unitarianism for at least 200 years.” The six sources and seven principles that guide UU’s are more recent, as is the Chalice Lighting at the beginning of Services. Thexton will share the history of these, as well as traditional words of wedding vows and the Flower Communion, created in the 1930’s by Rev. Norbert Čapek for his Unitarian congregation in Czechoslovakia.

At one time a resident of Rice Lake, Mr Thexton speaks regularly at UU congregations, referring to himself as “a part-time, itinerant, circuit-riding lay preacher in the UU tradition.”  He now resides in Wauwatosa, WI with his family.

Arthur Thexton

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m. All are invited to attend in the sanctuary at 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it by contacting patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org

April 23, 2023

In honor of Earth Day, 2023 Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists will host a video produced by the UU “Ministry for Earth” on Sunday April 23rd.   In seeking peace, liberty, justice and a respect for the interdependent web of all existence, UU’s acknowledge that climate chaos will cause the exact opposite. 

Averting climate crisis is critical to the vision and lived expression of Unitarian Universalism;  in creation of an online platform, networking, resource-sharing and communication tools for UU’s are offered through the coalition “Create Climate Justice Net” (CCJnet).  The Ministry for Earth video will share perspective and encouragement in reaching these goals.

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m.  All are invited to attend in the sanctuary at 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom.  The Zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it by contacting  patriciashifferd@gmail.com.  Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org

April 16, 2023

Have you ever had occasion to ask yourself “Who am I?” Most of the human theological stances define human beings as body, mind and spirit, or soul.  Where in all of that does the individual reside?  What part remains after a traumatic brain injury?  Or Alzheimer’s?

Chaplain Dennis Peters will share with the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists personal experiences that caused him to explore this intricate topic during the Sunday Service, April 16th.  A lively discussion is expected to follow.

Ch Dennis Peters & Lily

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m.  All are invited to attend in the sanctuary at 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com.  Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org

April 9, 2023

Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists will commemorate Easter Sunday and the reawakening of spring with music and poetry on April 9th , 10 a.m.   The connection between the jubilation of Easter and the regeneration of life and spirit marks a time of celebration in nearly all cultures. 

Favorite hymns have been chosen to observe this joyful time, as well as selected poems and readings to highlight the importance of the holy morning.   A short video from the History channel highlighting Easter traditions around the world will be shown.

~ Don Karsky leads the BHUUs, drumming in Spring ~

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m.  All are invited to be with us in our sanctuary, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members; all others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org

April 2, 2023

Dr. Jeanette Gabriel, U Nebraska, Omaha, will address Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists Sunday, April 2nd, examining the strengths and limitations of online genealogy research. Practical advice will be shared to research family history and find information important to you.  Dr. Gabriel points out that “Many have explored family histories online, but the information can be confusing.”  Individual family stories will be considered within the larger context of local, regional and national history.

Dr Jeanette Gabriel

Dr. Gabriel is a Wisconsin native, currently the Director of the Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies at the U Nebraska-Omaha.  She received her PhD in Social Studies Education from University of Iowa, after an MD in Labor, Employment Relations at Rutgers University, and a BA  in History UW-Madison.  Her current research interests involve studying collaboration and conflict between ethnic groups, such as Jewish and Arab populations in Israel as well as Black and Jewish communities in the Midwest.

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m.  All are invited to be with us in our sanctuary, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members; all others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org

March 26, 2023

What might one expect to find when reading the poetry of Dante?  Member David Gold will share his discovery of how Dante planned to build a better earth, and other impressions with Blue Hills UU’s during the Sunday, March 26th service, “Lessons Learned from Reading Dante.” 

Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri, circa 1265-Sept 1301, most often referred to as Dante, was instrumental in establishing the literature of Italy.  Creator of Italy’s “Divine Comedy”, Dante helped establish the modern-day standardized Italian language;  his passion for the politics of the church and poetry resulted in his exile from Florence, Italy in 1301. 


Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m. -and may we remind everyone that Daylight Savings Time begins this day! Come be with us in our sanctuary, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent to members; all others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org

March 19, 2023

Rice Lake’s Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists will welcome Chaplain Dennis Peters on March 19th to conduct the 10 a.m. Sunday Service, focusing on “Tomorrow’s Child.”  What kind of lives will the next generation be living, compared to the culture and traditions we’ve grown up with?   Ch Peters challenge is to “Let’s look at the world that tomorrow’s children will be part of,  and what we’re doing to fashion that world.” And in the process let’s also look at those children, and how we might prepare them for all that is to come.

Third Sunday Pot Lucks

Third Sundays each month, BHUU also gathers after the service for our traditional Pot Luck gathering – bring a dish to pass and be with us as we gather downstairs for fellowship and gnoshing.   All who seek insight are welcome at BHUU, 230 W. Messenger in Rice Lake.  The 10 a.m. Service may also be accessed via Zoom;  the link is sent to members, and all interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com.  https://bluehillsuu.org

March 12, 2023

On Sunday March12th Blue Hills, Unitarian-Universalist fellowship in Rice Lake will share Rev Randy Lewis’ sermon “Black Like Me”, originally given at All Souls Unitarian church in Tulsa, OK where he served as student pastor.  Now in Raleigh, NC, Rev Lewis is Managing Director of  “Clergy 211”, an organization of inclusive, progressive clergy providing non-judgmental rite-of-passage ceremonies for all people, from all walks of life.   Rev Lewis is also described as “a passionate progressive thinker, social-justice advocate, entrepreneur, writer, and songwriter.”   

Rev Randy Lewis

Blue Hills UU Sunday Services begin at 10 a.m. -and may we remind everyone that Daylight Savings Time begins this day!   Come be with us in our sanctuary or on Zoom.  The Zoom link is sent to members;  all others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com.  Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged.  https://bluehillsuu.org

March ON! 5, 2023

The March 5th Service at Blue Hills UU will include a presentation on “Justice” and what that means.  Former member of BHUU, Ken Hood will be with us once again through the magic of Zoom, to share insight on a program known as “Jonah – Advancing Hope”, a non-profit that has been active in the Chippewa Valley for over 15 years.  

Ken will be joined by organizers Lynn Buske and Michelle Pride to introduce us to JONAH, an interfaith organization working in partnership with religious groups who choose to work with individual activists and donor members of all faiths.  “We believe that our work is about building community and building capacity to address the root causes of poverty and injustice;  we come together for this important and public work because when every person does better, everyone does better.”

Ken Hood

Come be with us in our sanctuary Sunday at 10 a.m., or on Zoom.  The Zoom link is sent to members;  all others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com.  Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged.  https://bluehillsuu.org

Februweary 26, 2023

There are many ways we choose to get through the winter months:  hobbies, winter sports, travel – and reading.  We of BHUU might fairly well be described as “book worms”, as my guess is the per capita number of books read by members is above the national average.  

The Service this last Sunday of February will feature our own Book Reviews – with all attending invited to share some of their most engaging finds of the past few months.  Member Judith Barisonzi will host the hour, and keep a list of titles brought forth to share with all after.

Light at the End Of …

Come be with us in our sanctuary Sunday at 10 a.m., or on Zoom as we explore the treasure to be found in books.  The Zoom link is sent to members, and all  others interested who may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com.  Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged.  https://bluehillsuu.org