
June 28, 2020

Sunday’s Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist service will be led by member Ginny Gelineau, accompanied by friends from the Gelineau’s winter home in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas.  As they became active in immigration issues in this target area, the Gelineaus came into contact with the “Angry Tias and Abuelas of the RGV” – a group of nine women who banded together in June 2018 to focus on family separation and the zero tolerance policies of our government.  The group has been joined by volunteers from all over the U.S. who are helping either in person or in creative ways from a distance.

Two of the members, Beverly Ortiz and Madeleine Sandefur will speak to us LIVE from the Rio Grande, sharing their mission, goals and accomplishments in this challenging arena.   More information and their mission statement can be found at

BHUU will continue to meet in cyber space via ZOOM for our 10:00 Sunday morning services, and urge members as well as guests to take part.  The Zoom link will be sent to members during the week, but all are invited to participate;  visitors may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

June 21, 2020

As we pause on Father’s Day to tumble memory, remembering our own relationships with our dads, in observance of this special Sunday Pat Shifferd will lead the Blue Hill’s UU’s in exploring the many concepts of “Father” in both our religious and cultural history.  As a sociologist, Pat will challenge us to “Consider the implications of how the legacies of male-dominance have weakened in the present day” and how that may have changed our society.  She will also welcome the fellowship to take time to honor our own fathers.

Pat Shifferd

We continue to meet in cyber space through the gift of ZOOM for our 10:00 Sunday morning service, we urge members as well as guests to take part.  The Zoom link will be sent to members during the week, but everyone is invited to participate;  visitors may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

June 14, 2020

We’re excited to have Arthur Thexton, well know Unitarian-Universalist speaker and member in the Milwaukee area, return to Rice Lake and the Blue Hills UU Fellowship this coming Sunday, June 14th.   Arthur’s message will consider the topic of Vulnerability:   “So often we think of vulnerability as an unfortunate situation. We as a nation are vulnerable to an attack, for example. Our job position is vulnerable to layoff. Our computers are vulnerable to viruses. But is vulnerability always a negative?”  

Join us on ZOOM as Mr. Thexton leads the service at 10:00 Sunday morning.  The Zoom link will be sent to members during the week, but everyone is invited to participate; visitors and guests may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

June 7, 2020

Rice Lake’s Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship will once again depend on the magic of ZOOM to bring us Eva Apelqvist, our guest speaker for the approaching Sunday service.    As a writer, a librarian, an aggressive reader and a Unitarian, Eva has recognized the ways our UU principles and purposes are in sync with the point of view of public libraries.  Observing that “These principles work very well in a public library context”,  Eva will share this perspective with us beginning  at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, June 7th.

BHUU members will find the link needed to connect on ZOOM sent to them by email later this week.   We welcome all to participate at Blue Hills UU;  serious parties wanting to take part may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

May 31, 2020

This coming Sunday, May 31st will mark a new beginning for Blue Hills UU’s – and an ending of sorts as we conclude the 2019-2020 year of activity.   A first will be holding this, our ANNUAL MEETING on Zoom.   While we hope this won’t continue much longer (Zoom) it has at least brought us opportunity to hang together through the mutual strain and anxiety of living through a pandemic, learning how to cope with it on many levels.

We will have a shortened Service, then enter into the Annual Meeting to bring members information on the activities BHUU has been involved in (which are pretty darn notable considering our size!) by way of reporting from our officers and committees.   And perhaps most important, we elect new officers and adopt a Budget for the coming year.  

All current members received snail mail correspondence from Treasurer, Pat Shifferd in the last few weeks addressing these matters.   As not everyone is able to participate via Zoom,  the mailing gives all an opportunity to review both the proposed budget  and the slate of new officers suggested by the Nominations Committee.  Voting on these matters will take place during the Zoom meeting on Sunday, or your ballot sent via snail mail. 

We will begin at 10:00 a.m.  The Zoom link will be sent to members later this week.  “See you” then!  

May 24, 2020

This coming  Sunday, May 24th.,  our BHUU Service will be conducted  by member Judith Barisonzi, as we consider “My God and Your God.”  Judy will lead us in continuing the ongoing discussion from last week “on the possibly problematic nature of belief and the origins of religion.”   Offering a slight shift this Sunday she will talk about the Old Testament as well as some personal experiences, and assures “We’ll have plenty of time to share our multiple viewpoints.” 

With a more stable ZOOM link in the world of cyberspace this week, we’re all looking forward to gathering again at 10 a.m.   Members will find the link needed to connect on ZOOM sent to them by email later this week.   We welcome all to participate at Blue Hills UU, so serious parties wanting to take part may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

May 17, 2020

“Incoherent Rants!” ~?~

Our friend, visiting pastor Dennis Peters, returns to Blue Hills UU this coming Sunday, May 17 as we once again gather on ZOOM for our service at 10:00 a.m. Dennis warns us ahead of time: “I’ll be taking apart some cherished ideas, beliefs, and emotional ties here, walking down corridors that we’ve all visited… but with an axe this time.” Further explaining that “sometimes there is a need is for clarity – the clarity after lightning strikes, and the air is newly fresh, and the building you were standing in is now in charred ruins around you” his topic meshes with the times we are living through.

Those unafraid to challenge their beliefs will find the link needed sent to them by email later this week. All are welcome to participate however — serious parties wanting to take part may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

May 10, 2020

Our own James Bradley comes home to Wisconsin through the magic of ZOOM this coming Sunday, May 10th.  Retired Professor of Science and Humanities, Auburn University, Alabama, Jim challenges us to recognize “Modern brain science poses an interesting and perhaps urgent charge to Unitarian Universalists seeking to live by our first UU Principle:  to respect the inherent dignity and worth of every person.”

“Researchers are growing tiny brain-like organoids in the lab in order to help prevent, treat or cure many diseases and disorders. But what if these little assemblies of cells become conscious? Some personal observations about intersections of science, the humanities, and human values may help us think about this and other quandaries posed by modern science and technology.”  

We expect Bradley’s engaging question will inspire you to join us on ZOOM once again this Sunday;   BHUU members will find the link needed sent to them by Email later this week, although all are welcome to participate. Serious parties wanting to take part may contact Ken Hood > for the link needed to join the service.

Jim Bradley

Order of Service – May 3rd

Our service today will be lead by Joshua Berg.

–Welcome & introductions

–Chalice lighting

Music – Sending You Light

–Announcements & Speaking for Social Action

–Joys & Concerns – congregation

Music/video – Resilient by Rising Appalachia

Reading: “This Too Shall Pass: Tracing an Ancient Jewish Folktale” – Joshua Berg

–Sermon: Grace in the Unknown:

This months’ Soul Matters theme is “Thresholds” and the sacred word is “Surrender.” A threshold can be an entrance or exit over which we step, or it can mean the limiting force we have to surpass to take that next step. In these very uncertain times, thresholds seem to be tougher to cross and as we have been forced to surrender to the unknown. How do we embrace the increasing list of unknowns with grace in order to step forward and through?

–Discussion: Memento Vitae: What Reminds of Life? – Joshua and congregation

Hymn #131 Love will Guide Us – sung by Tisha Berg, Joshua will play


Music – I Am Light: India.Arie

–Extinguishing the Chalice

–Friendship Circle