
Sunday, April 7th Schedule

a Somali woman in Barron
a Somali woman in Barron, WI

Members actively engaged with “Immigrant Advocacy” groups in Barron County, most especially as they involve the Somali families in Barron, will offer an informational Forum at the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist church, 9:15 a.m. April 7th. Some of the challenges confronted within the community and ways we might be of assistance will be considered.

The Service at 10:30 a.m. will feature guest speaker Dr. Jane Shoup, Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences at Purdue University, Indiana. Noting that “our most unique trait as a species, our clever brain, has gotten us into a lot of trouble,” Dr. Shoup attempts to lift our spirits in sharing thoughts on how our species might cope with the world we now live in, as we “Hitchhike Towards Sapience”–the quality of being wise.

Nourishment for body and soul always follows the service with fellowship and light refreshments; all are invited to participate.

Sunday, March 31st Schedule

Planned to be held earlier this month, the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship will hold a Forum on “Climate Change & the Right to be Rescued” at 9:15, Sunday March 31st.  The topic will be addressed by Valerie Rude, whose experience working with persons with disabilities has made her aware that this issue is sometimes overlooked in planning for natural disaster rescues.   Time for discussion will be part of the Forum.

We expect our “little free library” to look something like this.

A “Work Day!” experience will take the place of formal service this same Sunday, as UU’s gather at 10:30 a.m. to build a “Little Free Library” which will be located on the premises as soon as the ground thaws.  Member Dave Hart will supervise the construction with plans and materials.  Bring your hammers, screwdrivers & saws. Those less comfortable with construction will sort through the BHUU library to select books to be offered.

Nourishment for body and soul always follows the service with fellowship and light refreshments;  all are invited to participate.

Sunday, March 24th Schedule

On Sunday March 24th, the 9:15 Forum at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship in Rice Lake, will be hosted by Dave Hart.   The topic, yet to be determined, promises to be engaging, topical and often provocative.   Discussion rises to near art form in UU congregations, with time for all voices to be heard.

Rev. Jane Rzepka of the Church of the Larger Fellowship will conduct the Service at 10:30 a.m. via the magic of cyberspace.  Her topic, “Salvation”, springs from an earlier gathering of the General Assembly.   A time for fellowship and gnoshing always follows service, and all are invited to participate.

Sunday, March 17th Schedule

We had to change plans for our 9:15 Forum from what’s posted on Calendar — the  topic will still be climate change, though our Valerie had to postpone her specific talk on how planning affects persons with disabilities.  In the alternative, we will be watching and discussing a TED talk by David Kerth entitled “A critical Look at Bio-engineering Against Climate Change.”   Lively discussion always follows the presentation.

ralph murre portrait
Ralph Murre

We are especially pleased this week to welcome guest Ralph Murre, Door County’s 2015-2017 Poet Laureate.  His poem “Dark December” has become nearly a cult classic in Door, and a favorite to our congregation as well – which laid the path to bring him to BHUU.  He will share a timely collection of his work at the 10:30 Service, entitled “A Poet’s Way in America”.  Murre immediately connects with his audience, and is a recognized Poet in Door County as well as throughout the state of Wisconsin.

Being the Third Sunday of the month, a Potluck will follow the service and all are invited.

Sunday, March 10th Schedule

The Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship will gather Sunday March 10th to review the book choice for the “Common Read,”an event which all UU fellowships take part in each year. 2019’s book choice is a collection of essays entitled “Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and the Environment.” The text considers the work and involvement of various UU congregations. Kent & Pat Shifferd will lead a discussion of the book, expected to be cover the full morning beginning at 10:00 to 11:30.

Common Read Discussion

UU chalice symbol over rainbow background

Sunday, Feb 24th Schedule

Update: Service has been cancelled for today due to the weather

Update: Due to the heavy snowfall all activities at BHUU have been cancelede for Feb 24, 2019. Please stay safe!

The 9:15 Forum will take the form of advance planning for administrative issues of the fellowship on Sunday, February 24th.   Members are urged to attend and share their thoughts to help form direction and decisions for the future of our UU.  Community residents interested in the UU as a viable voice in the area are welcome to attend.

One of our most looked forward to Service hours will begin at 10:30 a.m.  “Music & Poetry Sunday” invites those attending to share favorite poems to read, whether their own creation or beloved work of other poets, and have opportunity to request specific hymns within the Service.   

Sunday, Feb 17th Schedule

With an active industry in frac sand mining in Barron County, it becomes critical for residents to learn as much as possible about the process and ramifications. Dr Dale Crisler of the Canton area has been active in the effort to bring attention and information to both his own Town Board and county residents. He will continue this mission as he leads the 9:15 Forum at our fellowship on Sunday, February 17th to consider the topic “Issues in Frac Sand Mining.”

During the formal Service at 10:30, Pat Shifferd will address the “Role of the Arts in a Time of Change.” Asserting her belief that the arts are essential to building a more just and sustainable society, Shifferd seeks to make the connection between Art and the UU “7th principle”:  Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Events: Saturday, Feb 9th

BHUU Board Meeting – Starting at noon and going 2-3 hours. Linda Thompson will host the meeting at her house (please email Linda if you need the address). The menu is “bring your own lunch.” This will be an open board meeting to discuss important items we need to plan for our fellowship.

Strategy Meeting – The Immigrant Advocates of Barron County (a local advocacy group which our fellowship supports) will meet at 1:30 PM at the Rice Lake Public Library.

Your presence is welcome if you are able to attend either of these meetings.

Sunday, Feb 10th Schedule

Unitarian Universalists recognize and honor six basic “Sources” as the rock for the belief systems and philosophies shared by UU fellowships.  At the 9:15 Forum Sunday February 10, Kent Shifferd and Robert Hasman will lead a discussion centering on these Sources and how they may be particularly meaningful to each of us as individuals.

The 10:30 Service will be led by Judith Barisonzi, with a goal to consider  “The UU View of Evil.”  Noting that “it has always been difficult for Unitarian Universalists to reconcile the often dark complexity of human nature with belief in the value of each individual human being,” the fellowship is invited to “ponder evil” and its implications for a spiritual outlook.

Sunday, Feb 3rd Schedule

Our Sunday, February 3rd Service will take a somewhat different format: the morning will begin at 9:30 by watching a video of the “Ware Lecture” presented by Brittany Packnett to the UU General Assembly of 2018.

Established in honor of “the distinguished services of three generations of the Ware family to the cause of pure Christianity” these lectures have been presented to the Assembly each year since 1922. Ms Packnett is an educator, organizer, writer, and speaker, and has become a sought-after voice in the work of social change. She serves as “Teach For America’s” Vice President of National Community Alliances, where she leads civil rights work with communities of color.

The fellowship will then break for refreshments and announcements, followed by chalice lighting and then return to a discussion of the Ware Lecture for as long as people wish to stay. This will replace the formal Service for this Sunday.